Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winged Daemon Prince

I've finally gotten around to starting in on a Be'Lakor model that I've had sitting around for quite some time.  It will be an addition to my friend's Black Legion army.  I'm rather pleased with its current state.  The sword turned out exceptionally well.

I haven't started in on the base yet.  It will be some sort of snow base, but I need to find something to put under his feet to raise him up a little.  This older model isn't quite as large as the new one and I'd like to make the size difference a little less noticeable.  I should have the base finished in the next day or two, provided I can find what I'm looking for.

In the next few days I expect to be finishing up a Jain-zar model for another friend as well as another small figure and hopefully finishing pinning together a few war walkers and wraithlords.

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