Monday, October 11, 2010

2-week army build, Part 1

My local store is holding a 1750 point tournament on the 23rd of this month that I've decided to attend.  I've been getting a little tired of playing my Guard and my Orks and wanted to try something different.  Namely a more elite army.  Chaos Daemons is what I've chosen.  The biggest problem is that I've only got one model painted for my chosen force so far and less than two weeks to go.  I'm going to go for it and try to get a force ready in the time I have left.  Here's what I've got so far.

The spiders are going to be my counts-as Fiends of Slaanesh.  I've ordered the last of the models I need to complete the force and they should be here early next week, which won't give me much time.  I'm going to try to get what you see completed by this weekend so I have time to get the rest done once it arrives.

My list for the tournament is:
Two Great Unclean Ones with cloud of flies, breath of chaos, and an instrument.

Three squads of 6 Fiends with a champion.

Three squads of 5 Plaguebearers.

Three Daemon Princes with mark of nurgle, cloud of flies, noxious touch, breath of chaos, and iron hide.

It's a lot more spam happy than my typical lists, and has virtually no way to deal with a fully mechanized opponent, but it should still be a lot of fun to play.  That, and it's only 38 models.  I'm waiting on 3 more plaguebearers, 8 more spiders, and the 3 daemon princes.  My next step in the process is to round off the top of the spiders heads where the goblin riders were originally supposed to go and then prime them.  Hopefully the greenstuff work will be finished today.  Priming will need to wait until tomorrow and they have dried.  Also on the docket for today is to prime all of the plaguebearers, make their bases, and prime those.  I may also start on my second Great Unclean One, but I doubt I'll get to that with the homework load I also have for tomorrow.

Wish me luck.


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