Monday, October 25, 2010

2-week army build, Part 5

Finished army and Test Games

Finished army:

This photo is actually from the Saturday, the day of the tournament.  I was rather scrambling on Friday after getting home from school to get the last couple things painted and didn't have time to take pictures that day.  I'm rather pleased with the end result though.  I'll get some close-up pictures together when I have a little more time.

I got a couple games in on Friday evening against a friend's space marines to test things out a little.  I fared rather well really, minus a few hiccups in the first game.  It was nice to get some experience with the deepstriking and some ideas of the best ways to split up the army for deployment.  My opponent was running a librarian with null zone, a daemonhunter inquisitor with mystics, and a 10 man squad of grey knights in the interest of making things as interesting for me as possible.

In the first game some poor scatter rolls and a few bad decisions regarding division of my waves resulted in a few rather hairy early turns.  The grey knights proved to be much more effective with their shooting than I really expected and did a number on my fiends, but I was able to wear them down with a couple charges and eventually destroy them all.  I was down to just 4 plaguebearers for troops by the end of the game, but they were sitting pretty controlling two of the three objectives.  The third I was contesting with a daemon prince.

The second game went a lot worse for my opponent.  I choose to drop all 5 monstrous creatures as my first wave, along with one squad plaguebearers.  I went ahead and just ignored his inquisitor, with all but one of my groups landing within range to take free shots from my opponent.  My plethora of toughness 6 models weathered the fire without a single casualty.  The following turn my opponent brought all the fire he could to bear and caused not a single monster to drop.  It was all clean up after that really.  We called it shortly thereafter.

I'll have a tournament report up on the Saturday event as soon as I can finish typing it up.


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